Brand : EVO
Electric Cigarettes, a new way of smoking with harmless effects
Almost the same as cigarettes in general, smoke but not harmful. Suitable also for therapy if you want to quit smoking.
* 1100mah battery
Cas time 2-3 hours * Battery resistance up to 300kali cas
* USB input: DC 4,5 – 6 500mah
* If the battery in full condition, can be for about 800kali suction
* Package includes refill 10ml taste FRUIT (Random)
How to Use:
* The ON mode is press the button repeatedly until the button is flickering , the way OFF is also the same
* How to use is while sucked, also pressed the
IKUT button * If the fitting is sucked and the ‘button button once wrote, batere blinking, it means the battery runs out
* First plug to be batched, batteries will blink a few times and then die, and red diadap indicator is ngecas
* If the battery is full, the indicator diadapter will be green
* Fill the liquid refill sufficiently,Jgn too much to cause a kerizer automizer
* If again no use, put the cigarette in a standing position, with the battery position below and the above automizer
Color random
Flavour : Any kind of Flavour can use ( not included)
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